Project sheets
Project name | CASUAL WEAR Collections
Project code | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-002077
Main goal | TO 3 – Strengthen SME competitiveness
Intervention region | North
Approval date | 14-08-2015
Start date | 03-06-2015
Total eligible cost | 222,974.17 EUR
European Union financial support | ERDF – 100,333.38 EUR
Goals, activities and expected/attained results
The goals are related to the growth of the volume of sales, the entrance in three new markets (Germany, France and the United Kingdom), strengthening the strategic positioning of the company in the business area in which it operates and in the chain of value of the international market, its certification by the ISO 9001/2015 standard, and the hiring of two new skilled workers (level VI).
Result indicators
- a) Innovative project: Marketing + Organizational
- b) Project contribution for innovation capacity: 2.50.
Project No.: 72673
Project code: POCI-03-3560-FSE-072673
Thematic objective: TO 8 – Promote sustainable and quality employment and support labour mobility
Intervention region: North
Approval date: 2021-03-03
Start date: 2020-11-13
End date: 2022-10-23
Total eligible cost: 185,703.76 EUR
European Union financial support | ESF – 107,853.76 EUR
Project execution
Executed To execute
Project Summary
The Project was defined according to the Company’s strategy and training needs, and arises as a new way for the organization to innovate, coordinating the increase of its human resources’ skills in critical business areas with the implementation of new organizational and technological methods and processes. Hence, the Project, besides being based on previously diagnosed needs, aims at contributing for the strategy and investments of the Company in relevant domains concerning its competitiveness.
Project No. 64030
Project name | FERMIR – Adaptation of business activity to the COVID-19 pandemic
Project code | POCI-02-08B9-FEDER-064030
Main goal | Strengthen SME competitiveness
Intervention region | North
Approval date | 2020-06-19
Start date | 2020-06-22
End date | 2020-12-10
Total eligible cost | 6,605.97 EUR
European Union financial support | ERDF – 3.302,99 EUR
Private investment: 3.302,98 €
Incentive: 3.302,99 €
Project Summary
FERMIR adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic context through the reorganization of workplaces, hygiene equipment, physical distancing and information equipment, facilities’ disinfection and contingency planning, fulfilling the recommendations by the authorities.